Tuesday, April 21, 2009

there are no victims

Even though it seems you hurt me
Turned out the light just as I was finding my feet
I will not let the scarred memory of
Your touch, leave me a victim

I shall not be one of the walking wounded
Trailing torn heartstrings
A violent violin sonata,
I will not let the trails of tears carve
One more solitary walk home
Down my face.

I will not let my beauty be scarred
By the abuse of silence
That rained under your skies.

I will not be punished by your
Words made in jest, laughed at and prodded.
Denied in your eyes.
I deserve the best. I will not make your lies
And your own game, blind me to my own.
I shall not let the memory of your
Unfaithfulness to your word, convince me
To become a victim of your love.
I am not a victim.
I chose it all, and the words to say
That being a martyr is unbecoming
And the victim soul
Is a role I cannot

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