Saturday, July 26, 2008

our time

        our time

        I stop to wonder where you are often and though the

        days events and the music playing, may fade,

        your eyes

        never soften.

        Still sharp, yet pillow mallow,

        I still drown although the water’s shallow.

        A chance encounter?

        Of lust and greed that never would be fulfilled, as though we had agreed.

        On its fate, and now I am left to wait.

        I saw a piece of you there. My SoulMate. Maybe you came to see if I still wait.

        Oh I shall, I shall - for you

            are all that matters now

        my whole life hangs on us. Meeting you.

                To again regain that rainbow shade of turquoise blue and moonlight silken white


        I wonder where your eyes are

              dark circles

              rings of color…………

            ………...I do

        Love you?

        It was so short

        How do I know? We joined

          but then you had



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